Real People, Real Business

Real People, Real Business - Episode #03 with Doña Bumgarner - Clear Values, Clear Decisions

Real People, Real Business is my online show featuring business owners and entrepreneurs who are in the trenches, creating and growing their dream businesses, one step at a time. Sometimes we need inspiration and answers from folks who are closer to where we are, and who share the same experiences, constraints, challenges and opportunities that we do.

I’m Stephanie, and I work with experienced business owners who are trying to figure out what’s next in their businesses. They have pushed themselves to achieve enough success that they know their business is viable, but feel they have run out of options for growth. I help them create a new vision and strategy for their business so that they can feel completely aligned, excited and energized about their new direction with a clear path for financial and personal growth.

IN THIS EPISODE - “Clear Values, Clear Decisions”

Doña Bumgarner is a life coach for frustrated moms who are exhausted living in a culture that doesn’t support them as moms or as women. She helps them get in control of all the parts of their lives, so being who they are makes sense again.

We sat down to talk about how her journey from being a project manager in the technology sector to blogging and finally coaching, and how the alignment of her business with who she is and what she values has been such a critical factor in her ability to put energy and effort into growing her business.

Dona’s commitment to transparency, authenticity and boundaries has allowed her to create a business she loves, and to serve her clients in a way that feels exciting but also creates a significant impact in a domain she feels passionate about.

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Twitter: @nurturedmama

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